7 Phases of Xactimate


7 Phases of Xactimate: X1

Xactimate is the Lead software used by thousands of adjusters to handle claims. Learn the sotfware and look like a Pro!
Woman working in home office hand on keyboard close up.

Course Overview

Learn the Top Estimating Software in the Industry

Xactimate is a computer software system for estimating construction costs that has become widely used by insurance companies in the past decade. Insurance adjusters use it to calculate building damage, repair, and rebuilding costs. Adjusters use Xactimate to generate loss estimates and claim settlement offers. Xactimate is an incredible tool if you want to be a part of the insurance adjuster world. There are a couple of other major estimating software programs, but many insurance companies use Xactimate. This is favored by many contractors and restoration specialists as well, due to the ease it brings in working with the carriers. Multiple individuals who have taken our adjuster training courses have become estimators using Xactimate. They find work with independent contractors writing estimates, labeling photos, and creating reports. Generally, they work for other insurance adjusters, but they also will find work with contractors and restoration companies looking to hire software estimators who are knowledgeable.

Xactimate Course Image

46 Lessons

6.5 Hours of Video Content

Course Curriculum

 Phase 1: Claim Set Up
 Phase 2: Photos 
 Phase 3: Sketches & Diagrams
 Phase 4: Estimating
 Phase 5: Report Writing
 Phase 6: Reviewing a File
 Phase 7: Printing a Claim